A One-Off Scenario for the Stormbringer 5th edition ruleset by Richard Watts

Fair winds carry a ravenous evil to Dhakos, City of Spires. King Dharmit’s capital of Jharkor is raw and bustling – soon it will be rawer still. Silver Leopards will die beneath the tiger’s claws as screams drift like seagulls over the once busy harbor. What burdens drove the slave-artist Halig to suicide by self-mutilation so soon after painting a bloody portent of his own demise? What nightmares and dreams of empire stir in the shadows and devour the waking world?

Inhabitable Dreams is a tournament-length scenario written by Richard Watts.  Originally written and run at Arcanacon X, Melbourne, Australia, in 1992 (for 4th Stormbringer), it sets four nobles of Jharkor’s City of Spires – Dhakos – in a race to save their King – and his Kingdom – from the evil machinations of the dread pirates of Pan Tang. Designed to be completed in four hours, Inhabitable Dreams is bound to give your players nightmares!

The edition you find here has been updated to the Stormbringer 5th edition ruleset, and provides not only 4 ready to use characters, but also a number of play-ready handouts designed to enhance your session.